Monday, March 24, 2014

On This Day in Elizabethan History: Queen Elizabeth I Dies

The Funeral Procession of Queen Elizabeth I, 1603. Elizabeth's funeral effigy is now part of the Westminster Abbey effigy collection.
"If you knew what awaited me in my bed, you would not go and lie down, either"

On this day in Elizabethan history in 1603, after 44 effective years on the throne, Queen Elizabeth I, the last of the Tudor dynasty, died at the age of 69 at Richmond Palace. Her reign of peace, prosperity, and pageantry became known as The Golden Age, and she herself was affectionately known as Good Queen Bess. As historian Garrett Mattingly observed, never had their been a love affair like the one between Elizabeth Tudor and her subjects.

To read about Elizabeth's final days before her death, and to revisit the highlights of her illustrious reign, please read our BeingBess article here.